Can you suggest ways to collage, add to the framing, or otherwise elaborate this image to strengthen its ethnographic messaging?


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December 14, 2018

I just spent an awful lot of time fixating on and highlighting one of the smallest words in the image. That's because I approached the subject as a critic, hoping to prove myself by finding something unusual and unexpected to say about it. If you were to accept my reading, you might consider finding a way to zoom in on the words "Swiss quality." A callout would leave these words in small scale on one side, while blowing them up visually so viewers will not miss them.

December 9, 2018

Dear Alli, I was really interested in the way this image correlates to your research on veterans and their usage of visualizing technology (as discussed in your critical commentary). I wonder if there is a way to hold this narrative throughout your three visual texts. I believe that doing so will illucidate the "ethnographic message" on "toxic capture" across your curated texts.  

December 6, 2018
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I am curious about where this image comes from. We could see how "you can fuck raw" was located, but this one is left a mystery. Perhaps you could search for an instance in which this image was posted physically/publicly in the world? Or, if it is only digital (which would also be interesting), perhaps you could take a screen shot to show the website as the sort of "digital fieldsite" where this image was discovered. I just think comparing the location of these images might yeild a compelling ethnographic insight.

December 6, 2018
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I am so curious to know more about where photograph was taken and how commonplace these sorts of advertisements are.

December 5, 2018
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This image  captures several spatial and temporal scales expanded upon in the image description, effectively showing arguing that Watts 1965 was not a singular event over the span of a few days, but rather what he calls a "toxic period." For those who are less familiar with the events described in the explanation that preceded the event more commonly understood as the beginning of the "race riot," it might be helpful to expand on how they are connected. 

Alli Morgan's picture
December 5, 2018
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The primary strength of this image is the juxtaposition of the various media representations of climate change. To somehow demonstrate in the image itself that these images were pulled synchronously would strengthen the message, perhaps through dating the image as a whole or positioning it under a screenshot of your Google search.

December 5, 2018

I wonder if a similar visualization exists for earlier fires, and if so, if there is a way to collage calendars of different fires across the last 20, 30, 50 years? How could such a visualization show the mounting urgency of climate change? 

December 5, 2018
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As with one my of previous comments, how can one alter the legend of the image so that the content is clearer to the non-specialist observer? 

December 5, 2018
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To this end, I wonder if editing the image to pair with a similar graphic that removes or "translates" some of the molecular jargon into easily recognizable uses for these compounds (i.e. that you idenitify PFOA as a "key consitutient in Teflon production", though PFOA are not shown on this chart.)

December 4, 2018

I think it would be helpful to contextualize and clarify the specific image in greater detail - to walk the viewer through the landscape (imagry) that is being presented. Is the mud common? Is this a specific  brand of mercury? does that matter?
