I would be interested in seeing a collage that incorporates both sides of the ID card - or perhaps even included in the caption an overview of the type of information included on the biographical...Read more
My vision is drawn to the faces of each of the people in the image.
Due to the scope of the image, my eye first went to the broader expanse in the background. It wasn't until reading the explanation that I looked closely enough to see the transposed rods from the...Read more
The detail in this image is overwhelming. I had to sit with it for several minutes as I reordered my lines of sight, making sense of the organization of the chart. As a historian (and thus with...Read more
The juxtaposition of these two images are fantastic and really serve to evoke an emotional response from the viewer. However, the bottom image is quite wordy and really difficult to read. I wonder...Read more
These two images show how certain bodies are marked toxic by heternormativity and then subsequently policed by those who are heternormative. This makes us question who is actually engage in toxic...Read more
Dimensions - spatial [frontend/backend], discursive
Scale of analysis - local, mincro and mezzo.Read more
The image is made up of almost all plastic materials except the needle which is not visible. Additionally, all the syringes are empty. This it reminds me of modernity's false promise of...Read more