This image shows a bird's eye view of toxicity. However, I wonder how we can better incorporate the human element into these scales. Could we collage it with data on hospital visits, pharmacy...Read more
The author does a great job of culminating their argument on the relationship between the "invisibility" of lead poisoning and the dearth of available data and information access that those...Read more
Dear Alli, I was really interested in the way this image correlates to your research on veterans and their usage of visualizing technology (as discussed in your critical commentary). I wonder if...Read more
Spatial (Puerto Rico) and discursive (about the hidden atrocities) dimensions are well captured in this image. I wonder if there is another way to highlight the different discourses in the U.S and...Read more
This image captures state-sanctioned measures by South Korea to uphold their nation-building that are anti-black and highlights the extent that they are willing to go to, to maintain a racially...Read more
The juxtaposition of these two images are fantastic and really serve to evoke an emotional response from the viewer. However, the bottom image is quite wordy and really difficult to read. I wonder...Read more
Having also chosen such a structure that juxtaposes two images of the same space at different times, I think it provides a clear way of articulating change over time that many visuals cannot. Even...Read more
Dimensions - spatial [frontend/backend], discursive
Scale of analysis - local, micro and mezzo.Read more