What is the archive designed to push against? Are there, for example, patterns of exclusion, inequality and injustice in your problem space that the archive could begin to reorder?


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June 5, 2022

Deficit perspectives on low-performing urban school districts--I would like the archive to actively document the strengths of the school district and the things that bring students, teachers, and community members joy.

Also, the exclusion of physical space as an issue in education discourses (and the inequities in environmental hazards that that exclusion brings).

June 4, 2022

The list grows longer every day..

  • Stereotyping educators as apolitical, uncaring, inadequate
  • Discourses that frame communities and individuals as constantly needing intervention
  • Discourses that frame students as wanting and aspiring to get out of their neighborhoods in order to "make it"
  • Silo-ing of educational expertise
  • Silo-ing of spaces of education into grades and spaces; e.g. K-12, informal/formal
  • Funding of progressive goals in education by corporate foundations
  • how education can restrict career and political imaginations
  • Enclosing of education spaces and ideologies 
  • public schools as irrelevant and ineffective
  • Limiting openings for political critique within pedagogy 


June 3, 2022
In response to:

This archive is designed to gain awareness of and resist Austin’s regimes of divisible governance (Howey and Neal 2022), by enabling interested parties (of whom I, myself, am one) to question the theories, practices, categories, and figures and grounds that have shape their understandings and experiences of environmental and energy justice (as a frame and practice).

Gina Hakim's picture
June 1, 2022

The archive was designed to push against the idea of who can be considered an expert on infrastructure, on climate resilience, on climate change, etc. It’s designed to draw attention to and hold a record of “non-professional” labor and forms of expertise.