Can you suggest ways to elaborate the caption of this visualization to extend its ethnographic message?

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Sophia Jaworski's picture
February 27, 2020

The caption of this visualization can be elaborated to include a bit more detail regarding which types of “blight” have been targeted and what the rationalization behind these campaigns are. More information about the author’s focus on the connection between urban renewal and social or material forms of toxicity is needed.

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Sophia Jaworski's picture
February 27, 2020

This image can be enriched by increasing the contrast so that the SRO map is more visible, as well as increasing the overall size of the image. In its current size it is difficult to appreciate the important detail on the map of SROs being targeted, as well as the language used in Columbia’s historical description. Adding another visual of what is considered blight may also add to the image.

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