What experiences have you had archiving, working with digital tools and designing digital architecture (including websites)?


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Gina Hakim's picture
June 5, 2022

Most of my experience archiving has come from my dissertation project and gathering materials for the Urequio Infrastructure Archive. However, in answering this question I noticed that I’ve created informal archives for other aspects of my life and creative practices - such as creating private blogs for collecting found artifacts for writing, sewing, knitting, etc.

Kim Fortun's picture
June 5, 2022

For about a decade, I'll been very involved in the development of the Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography (PECE), open source  software supporting virtual research environments. PECE  is now freely available as a Drupal distro on GitHub. PECE is especially designed for qualitative researchers but has potential for application across fields, providing a way to preserve and curate the qualitative commentary that is part of all collaborative research workflows. The PECE Design Group now runs multiple instances of PECE (DisasterSTS NetworkSTS Infrastructures and for the Center for Ethnography, among others), using side-by-side development to orient further technical development. 


June 5, 2022

I have worked with the Disaster STS website to archive Santa Ana city council meetings. I used archive bundles to put all relevant documents and recordings in one spot so people can quickly find information on these meetings. Documents in these bundles included news articles, advocacy letters, Ej group policy recommendations, and implemented city policy.

I have experience in photography and some knowledge in video editing. These skills have been helpful in documenting events related to the archive.

June 4, 2022

I have extensive experience working with GIS data, both analysis and presentation (see examples here: https://arcg.is/0O1L9m and here: https://arcg.is/1fDbHr). I also have a decent amount of video editing experience. I haven’t worked much with archiving directly, but I did help develop a “learning archive” of resources for members of the school community where I worked in undergrad.

June 4, 2022

I've done some stuff...

I started working on websites in 2004, with html, Dreamweaver, and Adobe Design tools. For my master’s thesis, I wrote, built, and archived a 100+ page website focused on the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. I have also created and admined nearly a dozen wordpress sites since 2006 and used wikispaces for research from 2006-2013. Additionally, I was a content manager for Cultural Anthropology’s drupal-based site from 2007-2013 and led their website redesign project (2011-2013). I have been a PECE superuser since it launched – especially TAF and my own platform, but I also contribute to DSTS, STSI, and WorldPECE. This last year I have begun to shift my time and energy to Notion, moving my writing, teaching, and personal archive to this platform. I also lead Notion tutorials.

I also use Canva a ton; it's probably the third most important platform for our research team. And of course lets not forget social media platforms...

Tim Schütz's picture
June 4, 2022

I have experience designing WordPress and Jekyll websites. Through PECE, I have learned how to work with Drupal-based content management systems.

I also have a background in digital video and audio production. Most recently, I worked on a short video about soil lead contamination in Santa Ana, California. Since 2021, I am co-assitant producer for the documentary film Red Sea: Vietnam's Modern Disaster.

June 3, 2022

I started archiving how air pollution becomes a public and political environmental problem in India at The Asthma Files. It is through archiving that I met scholars and activists I like working alongside; and whose dedication to shared knowledge commons I share. I am currently archiving material for my PhD dissertation on STS Infrastructures. Except PECE instances, I am an experienced user of Wordpress for building websites, having made websites for the Centre of Urban Ecology and Sustainability at Ambedkar University Delhi.

June 3, 2022
In response to:

Over the past 5 years, I have worked extensively in/with the Platform for Experimental Ethnography, using the platform to coordinate, undertake, and publish diverse projects. My first PECE project was STS Across Borders, where I helped lead an investigation into the history of STS-inflected anthropologies in the Anthropology Department at UC Irvine. The following year, I helped design and lead an experimental collaboration in ethnographic visualization called Visualizing Toxic Subjects (and later Visualizing Toxic Places). I am also currently using PECE to infrastructure the development of my dissertation archive, which continues to both enable and unsettle the arguments of my dissertation (in the best of ways!).