Space; place; spatial stories; collaboration

Spatial Stories: Shared Questions

  • MATERIALITIES: How does this text/talk draw out the material features and infrastructures of place and space?

  • SCALES: How are space and place scaled in this text/talk ? How are bodies cast

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Mark my words: Native women mapping our nations

"Mark My Words traces settler colonialism as an enduring form of gendered spatial violence, demonstrating how it persists in the contemporary context of neoliberal globalization. In a strong and lucid voice, Mishuana Goeman provides close readings of literary texts, arguing that...Read more

Women and the Everyday: Public Space in San Francisco, 1890-1915

"Women and the Everyday City explores the lives of women in turn-of-the-century San Francisco. Working at the nexus of urban history, architectural history, and cultural geography, Jessica Ellen Sewell offers a revealing portrait of both a major American city during its early...Read more

Anthropology in Transit 2020 | Shared Questions

  • MATERIALITIES: How does this panel draw out the material features and infrastructures of place and space?

  • SCALES: How are space and place scaled in this panel? How are bodies cast and

  • ...Read more
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