Ociel Baena, Le Magistrade Collection

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Ociel Baena, Le Magistrade - Portrait

This picture shows the Magistrate wearing a combination of colorful, traditional textiles and a flower crown. They posted this picture to their X (formerly "Twitter") profile captioned "Frida Khalo, is that you?" (translation mine). 

Protest after Le Magistrade's murder

This picture shows a group of people marching together in the streets of Mexico City, protesting the official veredict on the Magistrade's case. The protesters are holding up a banner with the Magistrade's face that reads "no justice, no peace" alongside other slogans. 


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Created date

May 27, 2024

Cite as

Sab Garduno. 27 May 2024, "Ociel Baena, Le Magistrade Collection", Center for Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 27 May 2024, accessed 7 September 2024. http://centerforethnography.org/content/ociel-baena-le-magistrade-collection