
Found 1215 results
Journal Article
Reddekop, Jarrad. "Thinking Across Worlds: Indigenous Thought, Relational Ontology, and the Politics of Nature; Or, If Only Nietzsche Could Meet A Yachaj." (Submitted): 266.
Reddekop, Jarrad. "Thinking Across Worlds: Indigenous Thought, Relational Ontology, and the Politics of Nature; Or, If Only Nietzsche Could Meet A Yachaj." Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository.
Tronto, Joan. "There is an alternative: homines curans and the limits of neoliberalism." International Journal of Care and Caring 1, no. 1: 27-43.
Tronto, Joan. "There is an alternative: homines curans and the limits of neoliberalism." International Journal of Care and Caring 1, no. 1: 27-43.
Mantu, Sandra. "'Terrorist' citizens and the human right to nationality." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 26, no. 1 (2018): 28-41.
Mantu, Sandra. "'Terrorist' citizens and the human right to nationality." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 26, no. 1 (2018): 28-41.
Joseph, Jonathan. "Terrorism as a social relation within capitalism: theoretical and emancipatory implications." Critical Studies on Terrorism 4, no. 1 (2011): 23-37.
Joseph, Jonathan. "Terrorism as a social relation within capitalism: theoretical and emancipatory implications." Critical Studies on Terrorism 4, no. 1 (2011): 23-37.
Sjoberg, Laura. "The terror of everyday counterterrorism." Critical Studies on Terrorism 8, no. 3 (2015): 383-400.
Sjoberg, Laura. "The terror of everyday counterterrorism." Critical Studies on Terrorism 8, no. 3 (2015): 383-400.
Delucia, Christine. "Terrapolitics in the Dawnland: Relationality, Resistance, and Indigenous Futures in the Native and Colonial Northeast." The New England Quarterly 92, no. 4: 548-583.
Delucia, Christine. "Terrapolitics in the Dawnland: Relationality, Resistance, and Indigenous Futures in the Native and Colonial Northeast." The New England Quarterly 92, no. 4: 548-583.
Kittay, Eva Feder. "Taking Dependency Seriously: The Family and Medical Leave Act Considered in Light of the Social Organization of Dependency Work and Gender Equality." Hypatia 10, no. 1 (1995): 8-29.
Kittay, Eva Feder. "Taking Dependency Seriously: The Family and Medical Leave Act Considered in Light of the Social Organization of Dependency Work and Gender Equality." Hypatia 10, no. 1 (1995): 8-29.
Cotter, David A., Joan M. Hermsen, and Reeve Vanneman. "Systems of Gender, Race, and Class Inequality: Multilevel Analyses." Social Forces 78, no. 2 (1999): 433-460.
Tomaselli, Alexandra, and Alexandra Xanthaki. "The Struggle of Indigenous Peoples to Maintain Their Spirituality in Latin America: Freedom of and from Religion(s), and Other Threats." Religions 12, no. 10: 869.
Tomaselli, Alexandra, and Alexandra Xanthaki. "The Struggle of Indigenous Peoples to Maintain Their Spirituality in Latin America: Freedom of and from Religion(s), and Other Threats." Religions 12, no. 10: 869.
Macgregor, Sherilyn. "A Stranger Silence Still: The Need for Feminist Social Research on Climate Change." The Sociological Review (2010).
Macgregor, Sherilyn. "A Stranger Silence Still: The Need for Feminist Social Research on Climate Change." The Sociological Review (2010).
Adler-Nissen, Rebecca. "Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities, Norms, and Order in International Society." International Organization 68, no. 1 (2014): 143-176.
Adler-Nissen, Rebecca. "Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities, Norms, and Order in International Society." International Organization 68, no. 1 (2014): 143-176.
Lopez, Sarah. "States of Incarceration: An Architectural Prospective on Immigration Detention in Texas." 12, no. 1 (Submitted): 33-40.
Shepherd, Laura J.. "The State of Feminist Security Studies: Continuing the Conversation." International Studies Perspectives 14, no. 4: 436-439.
Shepherd, Laura J.. "The State of Feminist Security Studies: Continuing the Conversation." International Studies Perspectives 14, no. 4: 436-439.
Tallbear, Kim. "Standing With and Speaking as Faith: A Feminist-Indigenous Approach to Inquiry." Journal of Research Practice 10, no. 2: N17.
