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Lawler, Michael J., Kathryn D. LaPlante, Jarod T. Giger, and Debra S. Norris. "Overrepresentation of Native American Children in Foster Care: An Independent Construct?" Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 21, no. 2: 95-110.
Lawlor, Andrea, and Timothy B. Gravelle. "Framing trans-border transportation: the case of Keystone XL." Environmental Politics, no. 4 (2018): 666-685.
Lawlor, Andrea, and Timothy B. Gravelle. "Framing trans-border transportation: the case of Keystone XL." Environmental Politics, no. 4 (2018): 666-685.
LAWRENCE-ZÚÑIGA, DENISE. "Residential Design Guidelines, Aesthetic Governmentality, and Contested Notions of Southern California Suburban Places." Economic Anthropology 2, no. 1 (Submitted): 120-144.
LAWRENCE-ZÚÑIGA, DENISE. "Cosmologies of Bungalow Preservation: Identity, Lifestyle, and Civic Virtue." City & Society 22, no. 2 (Submitted): 211-236.
Le, Doreen. "Long Beach Vegan." 16, no. 4 (2012): 48-49.
Lee, David J., and Bryan S. Turner. Conflicts About Class: Debating Inequality in Late Industrialism. London ; New York: Routledge.
Lee, Alexander. "Who Becomes A Terrorist? Poverty, Education, and the Origins of Political Violence." World Politics 63, no. 2 (2011): 203-245.
Lee, Alexander. "Who Becomes A Terrorist? Poverty, Education, and the Origins of Political Violence." World Politics 63, no. 2 (2011): 203-245.
Leicht, Kevin T.. "Broken Down by Race and Gender? Sociological Explanations of New Sources of Earnings Inequality." Annual Review of Sociology 34, no. 1: 237-255.
Lindeman, Tracey. "'Revolution is alive': Canada protests spawn climate and Indigenous rights movement.".
Lindeman, Tracey. "'Revolution is alive': Canada protests spawn climate and Indigenous rights movement.".
Ling, L. H. M.. "World Politics in Colour." Millennium 45, no. 3: 473-491.
Ling, L. H. M., and Astrid H. M. Nordin. "On relations and relationality: a conversation with friends." Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32, no. 5: 654-668.
Ling, L. H. M., Heike Brabandt, Bettina Roß, and Susanne Zwingel. "Borderlands.", 105-124. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.
Ling, Lily. Imagining World Politics: Sihar & Shenya, A Fable for Our Times., Submitted.
Ling, L. H. M.. "World Politics in Colour." Millennium 45, no. 3: 473-491.
Ling, L. H. M., Heike Brabandt, Bettina Roß, and Susanne Zwingel. "Borderlands.", 105-124. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.
Ling, L. H. M., and Astrid H. M. Nordin. "On relations and relationality: a conversation with friends." Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32, no. 5: 654-668.
Ling, L. H. M., Heike Brabandt, Bettina Roß, and Susanne Zwingel. "Borderlands.", 105-124. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008.
Ling, Lily. Imagining World Politics: Sihar & Shenya, A Fable for Our Times., Submitted.
