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29, Minnesota Reformer J
Abrego, Leisy
Acharya, Amitav
Ackerly, Brooke
Ackerly, Brooke A.
Acuña, Roger Merino
Adams, Alison E.
Adema, Janneke
Adger, Neil
Adler-Nissen, Rebecca
Agathangelou, Anna M.
Agensky, Jonathan C.
Ahmann, Chloe
Ahmed, Sara
Alaimo, Stacy
Albeck-Ripka, Livia
Allen, Terry
Allen, Susan Hannah
Alston, Margaret
Altamirano-Jimenez, Isabel
Angelou, Maya
Anglin, Deidre
Anzaldua, Gloria
Atlas, World
Attanasi, Katy
Augé, Marc.
Bacchiocchi, Eana
Baker, Sean
Baldi, Benedetta Frida
Baldwin, Tammy
Banh, Jenny
Bank, The World
Barnett, Jon
Barrett, Estelle
Barry, John
Bates, Alison
Baumgartner, F.R.
Bazerman, Charles
Beattie, Amanda Russell
Beaumont, Hilary
Beier, Marshall
Bell, Colleen
Bellinger, David C.
Bennet, Michael
Berger, John
Bernd, Candice
Betsill, Michele M.
Bhatia, Michael V.
Bhatia, Michael
Bittner, Michele
Blackwell, Maylei
Blaney, David L.
Blitzer, Jonathan
Board, The Editorial
Boelens, Rutgerd
Bolles, Lynn A.
Bonisteel, Sara
Booth, Robert
Bosi, L.
Bosso, C.J.
Brabandt, Heike
Bradenburg, Heidi
Brantmeier, Edward J.
Breckheimer, Peter J.
Brenan, Megan
Briggs, Laura
Brightman, Marc
Brigida, Anna-Cat
Brock, Samara
Brodkin, Karen
Brondo, K.
Brown, Sherrod
Brown, Simone
Brown, Alleen
Brown, Georgia
Bryan, Isaac
Buckingham, Susan
Buffett, Warren E.
Bullard, Robert
Bullard, Robert D.
Bunskoek, Raoul
Burow, Paul Berne
Butler, Judith
Buzan, Barry
Byrd, Jodi A.
Cable, Sherry
Cabrera, Yvette
Calhoun, Craig
Calma, Justine
Cameron, Emilie
Card, Claudia
Cardin, Ben
Carmona, Armando
Carpenter, Charli
Carpenter, Carol
Carpenter, Zoe
Carper, Tom
Carr, Summerson
Carruthers, David
Casey, Bob
Castle, Elizabeth
Castricano, Jodey
Cave, Damien
Center, Pew Research
Charlesworth, Hilary
Chavkin, Teri
Chinkin, Christine
Chiu, Mignonette
Choudhury, Tufyal
Clark, Susan J
Clayton, Victoria
Clifford, James
Cobb, Jessica
Coco-Vila, Ivo
Cohen, Mitchell
Cole, J.
Coletta, Michela
Collins, Patricia Hill
Confortini, Catia C.
Constantinou, Costas M.
Cotter, David A.
Couch, Jim F.
County, San Diego
Crawford, Neta C.
Crenshaw, Kimberle
Cross, Suzanne
Cumming, Daniel G
Curley, Andrew
Curry, Marshall
Cusicanqui, Silvia Rivera
D'Costa, Dorothy Bina
D'Costa, Bina
Dalby, Simon
Dalton, Russell J.
Danchin, Peter
Danchin, Peter G.
Darling, Aaron E
Daston, Lorraine
Davenport, Coral
Davis, Mike
Davis, Angela
De Genova, Nicholas
de Leeuw, Sarah
Deem, Alexandra
Delucia, Christine
Deonondan, Kalowatie
Desbiens, Caroline
DeSilvey, Caitlin
Detraz, Nicole
Dewey, Myron
Di Chiro, Giovanna
Di Chiro, Giovanna\
Dill, Bonnie Thornton
Dillon, Lindsey
Dixit, Priya
Dodd, Vikram
Dotson, Kristie
Dove, Michael R.
Downes, Alexander B.
Dreher, Sabine
Dreher, Axel
Drucker, Johanna
DuBois, Ellen Carol
DuBois, W.E.B.
Dulfano, Isabel
Dumenil, Lynn
Dumit, Joseph
Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne
Durbin, Dick
Ebeling, Richard M.
Edensor, Tim
Egan, Timothy
Eggeling, Kristin Anabel
Eichhorn, Kate
Eilperin, Juliet
Eischens, Rilyn
Elelman, Richard
Engster, Daniel
Enloe, Cynthia
Erlenbusch, Verena
Ervin, Jamison
Escobar, Arturo
Estevez-Saa, Maria
Estrada, William David
Etoké, Nathalie
Ettinger, Aaron
Evans, Alan
Evans, Robert
Express, East Bay
Fairtlough, Gerard H.
Fanon, Frantz
Fargues, Emilien
Feinstein, Dianne
Feldman, Joseph P.
Feldman, David L.
Fields, Eugene W.
FitzGerald, Maggie
Flavelle, Christopher
Fleming, John
Fletcher, Robert
Fletcher, et al Jesse B
Fox, Jonathan
Fox, Myron
Friedman, Lisa
Front, Environmental Liberation
Front, Animal Liberation
Galison, Peter
Gallon, Kim
Galtung, Johan
Ganz, Scott C.
Gates, Bill
Gawlik, Bernd Manfred
Gayle, Damien
Gemmill, Faith
Gentry, Caron E.
Geoffrey, Haskett
Giger, Jarod T.
Gilbertson, Tamra
Gilmore, Ruth Wilson
Glissant, Edouard
Gold, Matthew K.
Goldberg, Matthew H.
Gravelle, Timothy B.
Green, Donald P.
Grierson, Jamie
Guerero, Andrew
Guevara-Gil, Armando
Gustavsson, Nora S.
Guzzini, Stefano
Głowacka, Natalia
Hagemann, Karen
Halvorson, Jon
Hamington, Maurice
Hamlett, Bill
Hansenbush, Amira
Hanson, Brit
Haraway, Donna
Hardt, Heidi
Hartmann, Betsy
Hartmann, Heidi I.
Healy, Noel
Heffron, Raphael
Hegghammer, Thomas
Hemming, Steve
Hemmings, Claire
Hermsen, Joan M.
Hern, Jon
Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan
Hodal, Kate
Hogan, James M
Hogan, Richard
Holland, Gale
Houska, Tara
Hovelsrud, Grete K.
Huang, Chiung-chiu
Huaynate, Cynthia Anticona
Hughlett, Mike
Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
Husserl, Edmund
Hutchings, Kimberly
Hutson, Range
Hwang, Yih-jye
Hyder, Misbah
Impelli, Matthew
Inkster, Jody
inquiries, DC 20036 USA2
Investigation, Federal Bureau of
Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus
Jakelić, Slavica
Jarboe, James
Javier, Carla
Jerolmack, Colin
Johnson, Brooks
Johnson, Michael P.
Johnson, M.P.
Jones, Samuel V.
Jones, Claudia
Joseph, Jonathan
Juergensmeyer, Mark
Jung, Courtney
Justicec, California Department
Kaine, Tim
Kang, Laura Hyun Yi
Kapoor, Nisha
Karpiak, Kevin
Kasper, Amy E. P.
Kaur, Sandeep
Kavalski, Emilian
Kent, S.
Killian, Kyle D.
Kim, Hannah June
King, Christina
King, Angus
King, Melissa
Kirby, Paul
Kirkpatrick, Daniel
Kittay, Eva Feder
Klein, Lauren F.
Klobuchar, Amy
Kojola, Erik
Kraft, Siv Ellen
Krause, Keith
Kulchur, Rakibe
Kulick, Don
Kumar, Margaret
Kvam, Kristen E.
Kwong, Emily
LaPlante, Kathryn D.
Laris, Michael
Lawler, Michael J.
Lawlor, Andrea
Le, Doreen
Ledogar, Robert J.
Lee, Alexander
Lee, David J.
Leech, B.L.
Leicht, Kevin T.
Leiserowitz, Anthony
Lektzian, David J.
Leone, Janel M.
Leung, Victor
Lewis, Allison
Lewis, Jerome
Lin, Jing
Linares, Lucia J.
Lindeman, Tracey
Ling, Lily
Ling, L. H. M.
Little, Joseph
Liu, Amy H.
Lloyd, Genevieve
Loadenthal, Michael
Lopez, mark!
Lopez, Sarah
Lorenzo-Modia, Maria Jesus
Love, Nancy S.
Lugones, Maria
Lynch, Cecelia
Lytle-Hernandez, Kelly
MacEachron, Ann E.
Macgregor, Sherilyn
Maharawal, Manissa M.
Mahmood, Saba
Mahon, Rianne
Maier-Hein, Lena
Malone, Keith
Mantu, Sandra
Marcos, Sylvia
Marlon, Jennifer R.
Martindale, Leigh
Mbembe, J.-A.
McCammon, H.J. et al.
McCann, Eugene
McCarthy, Davis J
McCauley, Darren
McCormack, Simon
McFalls, Laurence H.
McKittrick, Katherine
McNally, Michael D.
Meier, Anna
Meister, Philippe
Mendoza, Jessica
Menjivar, Cecilia
Menkhaus, Ken
Merkley, Jeff
Mies, Maria
Miles, William F.S.
Miller, John P.
Mills, Colleen E.
Mingorria, S.
Mitchell, W. J. T.
Molina, Natalia
Monahan, Torin
Monten, Jonathan
Montpetit, Jonathan
Moore, Jude
Moore, William J
Moore, Amelia
Morgensen, Scott L.
Morris, Steven
Mudde, Cas
Muller, Samantha
Mulvaney, Dustin
Murphy, Michelle
Murphy, Chris
Murphy, Phil
Murphy, Alexandra K.
Mutsaers, Paul
Nakamura, Mari
Narchi, Nemer
Nash, Linda
Navas, G
Nelson, Alondra
Nelson, Linnea
Neumayer, Eric
Newell, Peter
News, Daily
Nexon, Daniel
Nexon, Daniel H.
Nijhuis, Michelle
Nixon, Rob
Nolan, Kathleen
Nordin, Astrid H. M.
Norris, Debra S.
Nossiter, Adam
Nunnenkamp, Peter
O'Donoghue, Seán I
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria
Olson, Isaac
Olzak, S.
Omer, Atalia
Ong, A.
Onuf, Nicholas
Onursal, Recep
Orzel, Matthew
Oshinsky, David M.
Owl, Teri Red
Oyewumi, Oyeronke
Packer, Martin
Paes, Lucas de Oliveir
Panfichi, Aldo
Park, Lisa Sun-Hee
Parks, Bradley C.
Parreñas, Juno Salazar
Parrish, Will
Pateman, Carole
Peksen, Dursun
Pellow, David
Peterson, Spike V.
Phillips, Kwame
Pinn, Anthony B.
Piser, Karina
Pitman, Anne Marie
Plumper, Thomas
Plumwood, Val
Polish, Jennifer
Povinelli, Elizabeth A.
Powell, Dana E
Premack, Laura
Premier, The
Press, The Associated
Previsic, Ivana
Procter, James B
Programe, United Nations De
Puar, Jasbir K.
Pulhin, Juan M.
Pulido, Laura
Qin, Yaqing
Radio, National Public
Raftopoulos, Malayna
Ragonnet-Cronin, Manon
Rai, Amit S.
Rancière, Jacques
Räthzel, Nora
Reddekop, Jarrad
Reed, Jack
Renique, Gerardo
Ricks, Jacob I.
Rigney, Daryle
Roberts, Sean R.
Roberts, Elizabeth
Roberts, Timmons
Robinson, William Wilcox
Robinson, Fiona
Robinson, Cedric J.
Rodriguez, Leah
Rootes, C.
Roß, Bettina
Rosa-Aquino, Paola
Roy, Ananya
Rubin, Gayle
Runyan, Anne Sisson
Safi, Michael
Salter, Colin
Sanders, Bernie
Sandler, Todd
Sant, Ingrid
Savun, Burcu
Scauso, Marcos
Schaeffer-Duffy, Claire
Scharfman, Ronnie
Schearing, Linda S.
Schick, Kate
Schlanger, Zoë
Schlosberg, David
Schmidt, Jeremy J.
Schnabel, Albrecht
Schotten, Heike
Schramm, Madison
Schupak, Amanda
Schwarz, Tanya B.
Scott, Allen
Scott, James
Scott, James M.
Scotten, Heike
Seckinelgin, Hakan
Shepherd, Laura J.
Shih, Chih-yu
Shilliam, Robbie
Shinoda, Hideaki
Shiva, Vandana
Shriver, Thomas E.
Sikor, Thomas
Silverman, David J.
Simonsen, Rasmus R.
Simpson, Jennie
Singer, Alan
Sittler, Christopher E.
Sjoberg, Laura
Slivka, Kevin
Slivka, Kevin Robert
Smith, DeAnna
Smith, Amy Erica
Smith, Jennifer K.
Smith, Graham M.
Snodgrass, Susan P.
Sofia, Madeline K.
Soja, Edward
Sojoyner, Damien
Sojoyner, Damien M.
Soule, Sarah A.
Soule, S.A.
Sowman, Merle
Speri, Alice
Spione, James
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravort
Spring, Ursula Oswald
Springs, Jason
St NW, 1615 L.
Staff, Latin American D
Staff, Innocence
Stamatov, Peter
Stampnitzky, Lisa
Starblanket, Gina
Stark, Alexandra
Stark, Heidi Kiiwetinep
Steele, Carie A.
Stenau, Esther
Stephens, Sharon
Stern, Maria
Stetson, George
Stevis, Dimitris
Stewart-Harawira, Makere
Stoliarova, Olga
Stratton, Geraldine
Strauss, Claudia
Streeter, Stephen M.
Stump, Jacob L.
Sturgeon, Noel
Sullivan, Winnifred Fallers
Swedlow, Jason R
Sweet, Victoria
Szpak, Agnieszka
Tallbear, Kim
Teng, Alvin
Tennberg, Monica
Thaler, Mathias
Thiele, Rainer
Tickner, Arlene B.
Tickner, Ann
Tirone, Daniel C.
Todd, Zoe
Tokar, Brian
Tomaselli, Alexandra
Topinka, Robert J.
Tran, D.
Tronto, Joan C.
Tronto, Joan
True, Jacqui
Trujillo, Horacio R.
Trump, Donald
Tu, Thuy Linh Nguye
Tucker, Jennifer
Turner, Bryan S.
Tyfield, David
Tynan, Lauren
Uba, K.
Ulmanu, Monica
Urban, Jessica Leann
Uzzell, David
van der Linden, Sander
VanAntwerpen, Jonathan
Vanderheiden, Steve
Vanneman, Reeve
Vidali, Debra
Vuong, Jenny
Waltz, Kenneth
Walz, Alexia
Wang, Xinran
Ward, Kevin
Ward, Ken
Warren, Karen J.
Warren, Elizabeth
Washington, Suite 800
Watts, Michael
Watts, Jonathan
Weaver, Matthew
Welikala, Thushari
Welle, Deutsche
Wells, Ida B.
Welter, Barbara
Wendt, Alexander E.
White, Rob
White, Victoria
Whitehouse, Sheldon
Whyte, Kyle Powys
Whyte, Kyle
Wilcox, Auburn
Willey, Angela
Williams, Tracie
Williams, Michael C.
Williams, Emma
Williams, Peter M.
Willsher, Kim
Wilmer, Franke
Wilson, Nicole J
Wilson, Jason
Winter, Elke
Wisconsin, Atlas of
Woods, et al Jordan
Woons, Marc
Wright, Joseph
Wyden, Ron
Wynberg, Rachel
Wynter, Sylvia
X, Thomas
Xanthaki, Alexandra
Yerena, Ernesto
Young, Iris Marion
Zalewski, Marysia
Zambrana, Ruth Enid
Zanotti, Laura
Zeitlyn, David
Ziegler, Valarie H.
Zimmerman, Charles
Zwingel, Susanne
Web Article
Newspaper Article
Journal Article
Book Chapter
Web service
Magazine Article
Conference Paper
Bibliography collections -
Bibliography collections - pericles_1548135246
Bibliography collections - pericles_1548136023
Bibliography collections - pericles_1548149235
Bibliography collections - pericles_233048472
Bibliography collections - Primo_RIS_Export
Bibliography collections - sage_phgb37_465
Bibliography collections - Spirits_of_Resistance_and_Capitalist_Dis (1)
Bibliography collections - stoler2008imperial (1)
Bibliography collections - Visualization Across Disciplines
Bibliography collections - Visualizing Toxic Subjects
Tags - academic
Tags - activism
Tags - Actual World
Tags - africa
Tags - Africa, Sub-Saharan
Tags - african
Tags - African diaspora
Tags - Africans
Tags - Afro-Colombian
Tags - American Indians
Tags - analysis
Tags - anthology
Tags - anthropocene
Tags - apartheid
Tags - archival studies
Tags - Art
Tags - Art, Aboriginal Australian
Tags - Art--Themes, motives
Tags - assembling cities
Tags - assumptions
Tags - Attitudes
Tags - Australia
Tags - Being
Tags - Black People
Tags - Blackness
Tags - Blacks
Tags - Bolivia
Tags - brownfields
Tags - Buen Vivir
Tags - Califronia Studies
Tags - Canada
Tags - Caring
Tags - chemicals
Tags - chil
Tags - children
Tags - Chinese immigrants
Tags - christian
Tags - Climate change
Tags - Climate justice
Tags - collaboration
Tags - colonial legacy
Tags - coloniality of power
Tags - communication
Tags - Community aesthetics
Tags - Community Garden
Tags - Community particiption
Tags - Congresses
Tags - consumption
Tags - contributors
Tags - critical
Tags - critical relationality
Tags - Critical Theory
Tags - critique
Tags - cultural
Tags - Cultural centers
Tags - Cultural citizenship
Tags - cultural identity
Tags - culture
Tags - data sharing
Tags - decolonial science
Tags - Demonstrations, Protests and Riots
Tags - Design
Tags - digital archives
Tags - Discipline
Tags - discursive risks
Tags - disparity
Tags - Distributional justice
Tags - Divestment
Tags - Earth
Tags - Ecuador
Tags - Education
Tags - Education / Research
Tags - educational research and methodology
Tags - EIS
Tags - embodiment
Tags - Emigration and immigration
Tags - empire
Tags - en
Tags - Energy
Tags - Energy justice
Tags - Energy politics
Tags - energy poverty
Tags - env
Tags - envir
Tags - environmen
Tags - Environment
Tags - environmental degradation
Tags - environmental justice
Tags - environmental law
Tags - environmental management
Tags - EPA
Tags - epistemological
Tags - epistemology
Tags - essay collection
Tags - Ethical Judgement
Tags - Ethics
Tags - Ethnoburb
Tags - ethnographic looping
Tags - ethnography
Tags - Ethnology -- Philosophy
Tags - Experiential knowledge
Tags - Exposure
Tags - Extractive industries
Tags - Family & Relationships / General
Tags - feminism
Tags - Feminist Theory
Tags - flexible capitalism
Tags - Foreign countries
Tags - Fossil fuels
Tags - foster care
Tags - freedom
Tags - future anterior
Tags - Gentrification
Tags - global
Tags - global crisis
Tags - Global IR
Tags - Global Warming
Tags - go
Tags - Governance
Tags - government
Tags - Government policy
Tags - great lakes
Tags - hate, california, politics
Tags - hate, crime, race
Tags - hate, internet, law, politics, race, racism
Tags - hate, map, race, racism
Tags - hate, race, racism, politics, immigration
Tags - hate, racism, race, medicine
Tags - health
Tags - hebrew
Tags - hierarchies
Tags - historic preservation
Tags - History / United States / State & Local / West (AK, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, UT, WY)
Tags - homeless
Tags - House design
Tags - Housing
Tags - human-animal relations
Tags - identity
Tags - imperial ruins
Tags - imperialism
Tags - Indian Child Welfare Act
Tags - Indigenous
Tags - Indigenous Community
Tags - Indigenous knowledge
Tags - Indigenous law
Tags - Indigenous nation-building
Tags - indigenous ontologies
Tags - Indigenous People
Tags - Indigenous peoples
Tags - Indigenous research
Tags - indigenous water governance
Tags - Indigenous women
Tags - Inequity
Tags - infographic
Tags - institutions
Tags - International Affair
Tags - International Relation
Tags - intracultural variation
Tags - Just transition
Tags - Just transitions
Tags - justice
Tags - Justice (Philosophy)
Tags - Knowledge System
Tags - Knowledge, Theory of
Tags - la county
Tags - land
Tags - Language and languages
Tags - Latin America
Tags - laws
Tags - Lead
Tags - legal issues
Tags - Literary And Political Reviews
Tags - litigation
Tags - los angeles homeless
Tags - low carbon economy
Tags - Management
Tags - map
Tags - Meaning (Psychology)
Tags - Medical / Health Policy
Tags - methodology
Tags - Mind and body
Tags - Mines and Mining
Tags - Minnesota
Tags - modernity
Tags - Moral and ethical aspects
Tags - Moral Judgement
Tags - Morrison, Scott (1968- )
Tags - Motion Pictures
Tags - museology
Tags - Musicians & conductors
Tags - Native Americans
Tags - Natural resources
Tags - Non-dualism
Tags - Nonhuman Animal
Tags - ontological politics
Tags - Ontological struggles
Tags - particulates
Tags - peace
Tags - Performing arts
Tags - persecution
Tags - Philosophy / Ethics & Moral Philosophy
Tags - Philosophy / General
Tags - Philosophy / Political
Tags - Planners
Tags - Plastics
Tags - pluriverse
Tags - policies
Tags - Policing
Tags - political
Tags - Political aspects
Tags - Political ecology
Tags - political economy
Tags - political ontology
Tags - Political Science / Civil Rights
Tags - Political Science / Globalization
Tags - Political Science / Human Rights
Tags - Political Science / International Relations / General
Tags - Political Science / Political Freedom
Tags - Political Science / Public Policy / Environmental Policy
Tags - Political Science / Public Policy / Social Policy
Tags - Political Science / World / Middle Eastern
Tags - Political Theorist
Tags - Political Theory
Tags - politics
Tags - Politics and Government
Tags - Pollution
Tags - Postcolonialism
Tags - posthuman
Tags - private
Tags - Procedural justice
Tags - production of locality
Tags - project
Tags - psychic harm
Tags - Psychology
Tags - public
Tags - Public Anthropology
Tags - race
Tags - Race identity
Tags - race, hate, extremism, politics
Tags - race, racism, theory, sociology
Tags - racism
Tags - reanalysis
Tags - Relational methodologies
Tags - relational ontologies
Tags - Relationality
Tags - religion
Tags - Religion / Comparative Religion
Tags - Religion / General
Tags - Religion / Judaism / General
Tags - Religion and politics.
Tags - religious studies
Tags - replication
Tags - research
Tags - research ethics
Tags - resistance
Tags - Restaurants
Tags - Restorative justice
Tags - risk
Tags - Ruination
Tags - sch
Tags - scholarly
Tags - schools
Tags - Secularism.
Tags - Senses and sensation
Tags - Sex role
Tags - Social conditions
Tags - Social conflicts
Tags - Social justice
Tags - social movements
Tags - Social Science / Gender Studies
Tags - Social Science / Human Geography
Tags - Social Science / Sociology / General
Tags - Social Science / Sociology / Urban
Tags - Social Science / Sociology of Religion
Tags - Social Science / Women's Studies
Tags - Social values
Tags - Society Role of Women
Tags - sociology
Tags - Southern California
Tags - Space perception
Tags - spirituality
Tags - State Violence
Tags - surrogates
Tags - Sustainability
Tags - Sustainable development
Tags - technology
Tags - Temporality
Tags - Territorial struggles
Tags - toxicity
Tags - traditional
Tags - traditional customs
Tags - Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Tags - transnational activism
Tags - transparency
Tags - trialectics
Tags - UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Tags - United Nations
Tags - United States
Tags - university–community collaboration
Tags - urban redevelopment
Tags - urban studies
Tags - urban theory
Tags - US crime
Tags - US news
Tags - vernacular knowledges
Tags - Visual perception
Tags - voluntarist cultural models
Tags - volunteer workers in education
Tags - waste
Tags - White House
Tags - White Supremacy
Tags - Women
Tags - world
Tags - World news
Tags - World Politics
Tags - worlding cities.
Tags - yin/yang
Tags - your-feed-theheadlines-australia
Tags - Yukon
Tags - Yukon First Nations
Found 1215 results
., Submitted.
., Submitted.
X, Thomas
7 Grandfather Teachings - Bing video
., Submitted.
X, Thomas
7 Grandfather Teachings - Bing video
., Submitted.
ACS Symposium Series (ACS Publications)
., Submitted.
ACS Symposium Series (ACS Publications)
., Submitted.
Murphy, Michelle
Afterlife and Decolonial Chemical Relations
." (Submitted).
Agathangelou: The house of IR: from family power... - Google Scholar
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Agathangelou: The house of IR: from family power... - Google Scholar
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Åhäll: Affect as methodology: Feminism and the... - Google Scholar
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Åhäll: Affect as methodology: Feminism and the... - Google Scholar
., Submitted. Complaint!: 9781478017714: Ahmed, Sara: Books
., Submitted. Complaint!: 9781478017714: Ahmed, Sara: Books
., Submitted.
Amidst Political Persecution an Indigenous Leader is Murdered in Honduras
., Submitted.
Amidst Political Persecution an Indigenous Leader is Murdered in Honduras
., Submitted.
Anderson: Imagined communities: Reflections on the... - Google Scholar
., Submitted.
Anderson: Imagined communities: Reflections on the... - Google Scholar
., Submitted.
Welle, Deutsche
Anti-protest laws and litigation take aim at climate activism | DW | 13.01.2020
., Submitted.
Welle, Deutsche
Anti-protest laws and litigation take aim at climate activism | DW | 13.01.2020
., Submitted.
Eichhorn, Kate
The Archival Turn in Feminism
." (Submitted).
Eichhorn, Kate
The Archival Turn in Feminism
." (Submitted).
Art 8 - Violence_on_Our_Earth_byKatie
., Submitted.
Art 8 - Violence_on_Our_Earth_byKatie
., Submitted.
Awawanenitakik: The spatial politics of recognition and relational geographies of Indigenous self‐determination - Daigle - 2016 - The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien - Wiley Online Library
., Submitted.
Awawanenitakik: The spatial politics of recognition and relational geographies of Indigenous self‐determination - Daigle - 2016 - The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien - Wiley Online Library
., Submitted.
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