Where is this (PECE-supported) archive hosted and what technical services and infrastructure does it depend on? What software and other technologies beyond PECE does it incorporate or interface with?

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Angela Okune's picture
June 8, 2021

www.researchdatashare.org is hosted on Linode servers located in Frankfurt, Germany since at the time of installation, those were the closest Linode servers to Kenya and provided the greatest latency (fastest speed). Linode is a private American company based in Philadelphia. I deeply contemplated whether or not to host with a Kenya-based company, and in fact did so for the first several months but the costs was too high to pay in the long term from my own pocket (~$50 USD a month) and the site does not have enough content and activity to justify keeping a tech team on retainer. Our group also uses Zotero, Google Docs, Email, and Whatsapp. We used Typeform to circulate a digital survey in 2020 with researchers in Kenya.

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