What does this visualization (including caption) say about toxics?

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March 1, 2020
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The images in this essay contribute to a sense that toxicity prompts, and is caught up in, political and social discourses. The commentary tells the viewer that we might only understand ambiguous, atmospheric toxcities through the lenses provided by science, media, and political statements. Toxics are therefore not seen as particles, but through words, images, attempts to provoke action. They are therefore affective existents in themselves.
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Miriam Waltz's picture
February 29, 2020
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This image speaks to the mutliple scales at which toxics operate when it comes to air pollution, and how they are entangled in political sruggles. It also speaks to how different types of data can be mobilised in the particular political framing of an issue as wither a question of social justice or individual rights.

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