What kind of image is this? Is it a found image or created by the ethnographer (or a combination)? What is notable about its composition | scale of attention | aesthetic?

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Ronny Rafael Zegarra Peña's picture
February 28, 2020
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This is an original photograph from a coastline in Panama where the author found extractive activities on the way to the mangrove forest. The darkness of the image contrasts with the background activities and gives a notion about the following context related to the toxicity present in this place.

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Louise Elstow's picture
February 26, 2020
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This image was created by the ethnographer during a fieldtrip.  The composition is strong I think, as the space opens up in front of the viewer - drawing your eye to the figures in the photo.  The scientist (although they could be anyone, in theory, we only know this or assume this because we are told of three people walking to the field site) stride ahead - one looking down and one looking ahead. Not waiting for you. The grey cloud that hangs over the silhouette of the person hand loading sand into the lorry is very portentous. 

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