What kind of image is this? Is it a found image or created by the ethnographer (or a combination)? What is notable about its composition | scale of attention | aesthetic?

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Diana Pardo Pedraza's picture
March 3, 2020
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This is a picture taken by the author. As I have already mentioned, I like the light and the composition of this picture (more than the first one). It is captivating but also very telling —there are two stories in it —front ground and background —fishermen and power plant. 

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Tim Schütz's picture
March 1, 2020
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The photograph was taken by the ethnographer during a field visit. What struck me was the play with light, creating a contrast between powerplant, fishermen and their catch. I wondered whether it was a phone snapshot or more intentionally composed photograph, or both, but it certainly seemed very artistic to me (in all the good ways!). Attention is focused on the fishermen, going about their work in an almost clandestine way. Might be the headlamps and their hunched posture, my initial thought that the fishing is illegal/informal, or at least not encouraged by whoever runs the power plant.

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