kristingupta Annotations

Kristin Gupta's picture
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Can you suggest ways to enrich this image to extend its ethnographic import?

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 9:13am

As elaborated earlier, I would like to hear more about the process of the author's creation and their personal relationship to the material.

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What kind of image is this? Is it a found image or created by the ethnographer (or a combination)? What is notable about its composition | scale of attention | aesthetic?

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 9:12am

The images are mostly found images. Image 2 is an illustration of Los Angeles, with Biddy Mason's face superimposed over a large portion of the city. I am particularly intriguied by the use of scale here, and the difference between mediums. They underline your argument that our imagination of early Los Angeles is partly an imaginary, given that historical archives have erased histories such as Biddy's.

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Can you suggest ways to elaborate the caption of this visualization to extend its ethnographic message?

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 9:08am

I would to see elaborations in the captions of all three images, albeit in different ways. Images 1 and 2: what are the places? What are their histories? Where did you find them in the archive? (Same goes for the images of Biddy Mason, which seem to be different photographs of her.) Image 3: where is this archive? What is your relationship with it? 

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How does this visualization (including caption) advance ethnographic insight? What message | argument | sentiment | etc. does this visualization communicate or represent?

Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 9:05am

These visualizations are powerful in that they demonstrate how toxicity is not solely about chemicals, pollution, etcetera, but is a condition produced by social mechanisms of marking space (both literal and conceptual) in an oppressive fashion. 


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